The long waited interview ever.
We walked trough the valley of darkness along with all kinds of hideous creatures, and heavy smells like those you can smell on the halls of a lunatic asylum to meet the “master of darkness”, also known as the “forum idiot”.
He invited us to take a stand, while he was sitting on a tree-stump (which he believe to be his throne), before a PC screen covered up with spider web.
He was kind enough to spare a few moments from his precious time to give us the privilege to ask him a few questions:
How did you reach the forum?
I was surfing the internet, kicked off from a community to another, nobody welcomed me as usual, and I saw this nice place and I and decided to make it as stinky as possible. There you go.
What were you doing before?
I had a busy life doing nothing sa7.
I was banned on another forum, because they found out that I was a fugitive from a mad house, bas yalla, I managed to mislead the members in here so they never found out I'm that mental.
How come you’re now a super moderator and even an admin, from a lousy regular member?
Yalla, you have to know what and when to kiss. Bas la2 I won't share my secrets.
Some people are wondering why don't you go fight in your country?
I'm a rat na9am : they always run the first when it's a danger near by. I'm using this feature to get into places hard to reach by normal ones. Furthermore as you know 7abibti , nobody knows any single private detail about me.
Doesn’t that make you a coward?
Na9am you're right, but I prefer to save my cowardly ass than die defending my own people.
The female member’s protector?
I’m a smartass. I’m like a snake. I made up a story which I tell to all of them, and they believe me. I target only young girls or only those that are very stupid to spread my paranoiac ideas. They all fall for it. I tell them it’s a secret, and that they shouldn’t tell to anyone, so like this I gain their trust.
I complain all the day worse than an old lady, creating fictional stories, sharing private stuff of members with others ... etc all means are fine to me.
Tell us about how you spend your day
La2, I can’t! I’m doing great things that my modesty wouldn’t let me talk about …Yalla !! it’s top secret.
O, please you are a gentlemen, tell us how you spend your day?
Well well ya 7abibti, when people wake up early the morning, I'm already there… because I don't sleep; my mental illness caused me insomnia as you know. So I start the day watching who's online. If there is nobody I can spy on I enjoy counting IPs of each single guest so I could know who is who. Even Spam bots, Search bots, fake ghost guests created by the server, I know by heart all their IPs. Na9am I have nothing to do other than this and I’m doing it brightly.
I spend the rest of the day reading archives with the hope to find something interesting I could use against members in the future. My slogan is: A Friend today An enemy. Everything is well documented.
After a break sometimes to check up new registered members to report then to my beloved godmin, then get back finishing my dirty job.
During night, some members login and it’s time for some heavy gossip through PMs , my favorite dirty job na9am. Not to that trying to look like a sheep is the game I master the most… I’m meskeen sa7?
We see a lot of banned people trying to reach the forum. Why?
Sa7, I came up with the bright idea to ban everybody else I don't know he is taking my side.
Aren't you afraid to reduce the number of hits?
La2, what matters is the quality not the quantity. I would ban the whole world and leave one member who is el-kherray if needed I would ban myself.
Why are most of the members in there moderators?
I had to reward the most stupid of them, which believed all the crazy stories that I made up.
Can you tell us please how much do they pay you for the full 24/24 7x7 job you are doing for the company owning the site?
Good question! However you should have asked: How much I pay them to let me live there sa7? I’m homeless, jobless living on welfares and I thank my godmin to put a kennel on the front page where I can settle down and marry all girls in
Last word?
Watch out your back I could be anywhere anytime, I could stab your back whoever you are, I have no friends, I hate everybody and I can’t help myself… please help me I’m lost. I’m tired of begging on foreign forums , does anybody have a remedy?
We thank al-kaka for the interview and let him king in his pays de merda, all the worst !!
canwe post more questions mr al-khiyal?
LOL. I'd like to ask a question: How often do you visit the bathroom? How dirty are your flat and clothes? Do you use a toothpaste?
Ok that was 3 questions :D
Why do you believe everyone is out to get you?
How long have you been living on government support?
Is it true that you're a spy for the British government?
When did you sell out your countrymen?
More questions:
Why do you tell lies?
How do you feel when you tell lies?
Is there any residual pride remaining in you? If you ever had one that is, and yeah not the fake one you show on the forums...
Thank you.
All your questions will be answered, I have been busy spying on new member's private messages. In the mean while enjoy your stay.
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